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Saint Nicholas of Tolentine was solemnly declared Patron Saint of the Holy Souls by Pope Leo XIII in 1884. This confirmed a long-standing aspect of devotion toward this friar which is traced to an event in his own life. His feast day is the 10th of September. To honour Saint Nicholas of Tolentine we will offer during a week the Mass in suffrage for the Holy Souls of Purgatory as he did in his life. WOULD YOU LIKE THAT YOUR BELOVED ONES WILL BE INCLUDED IN OUR INTENTIONS for the Masses to be celebrated at St. Rita's Chapel from 4th SEPTEMBER to 10th SEPTEMBER?

  • Date:05/09/2025 09:30 AM - 10/09/2025 09:30 AM
  • Location St Rita's Centre, Ottery Moor Lane, Honiton, England, United Kingdom (Map)



Saint Nicholas of Tolentine was solemnly declared Patron Saint of the Holy Souls by Pope Leo XIII in 1884.This confirmed a long-standing aspect of devotion toward this friar which is traced to an event in his own life.
On a certain Saturday night as he lay in bed, Nicholas heard the voice of a deceased friar whom Nicholas had known and whose name was Pellegrino. He begged Nicholas to offer Mass for him and for other suffering souls in the Purgatory so that they might be set free. For the next seven days Nicholas did so and was rewarded with a second vision in which Fr. Pellegrino expressed his gratitude and assurance that a great number of people were now enjoying the presence of God through Nicholas’ prayers. As this event became known, many people approached Nicholas, asking his intercession on behalf of their own deceased relatives and friends. St. Nicholas had a great love for the Holy Souls. He would offer Mass, pray and do penance for them so they could more quickly enter Heaven.


Dear Benefactor,

Thank you for your generous donation and for including your deceased beloved ones to our November Dead List. We will hold them in our prayers to Saint Nicholas of Tolentine, Patron Saint of the Holy Souls, and offer the daily Mass in November for them.

May God, through the intercession of St. Nicholas of Tolentine, give prefect purification to your faithful departed so that they can enjoy in Heaven eternal Peace and Joy living for ever in the presence of the loving God.

Your sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Jose Romero OAR (Fr. Promoter)